Deanna Zandt on the Lower East Side

I had the opportunity to talk to Deanna Zandt while I was in NY. We talked about her upcoming move from the Lower East Side to the South Side of Williamsburg. (video link after the jump) <!–break–> <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="" /><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="600"...

Zunafish? I can’t see how this will work out

While I generally like the idea of “re-use” and swapping and freestore and all that, I can’t see how this company will work out. Basically you have to trade items one for one with other users, and the items must be of the same category. So I have a dvd… “When We Were Soldiers” let’s say. You watched it, and once was enough, so you think, let me put it up for trade along with these other 20 war and Mel Gibson DVDs I will never watch again. Some one sees my list of movies and figures I are a war movie buff, and they have “Saving Private Ryan” so they offer to trade… But I am a war movie buff, I already saw “Saving Private Ryan”. I don’t see how you are going to get many one to one direct swaps of stuff you really want. And further more, for the privilege of swapping you have to pay shipping AND a dollar to Zunafish. After a few unsuccessful swaps, I am never going to use Zinafish again. I’ll just sell my stuff locally, or on craigslist or ebay or amazon. Or I will give it to my friends to build social capital so they will give me stuff too (Like in “The Economy for Giving Everything Away”). Which leads me to my idea for a great site/service I have been thinking about for a while (and now I have a name for it): Zalmon will let you start your own DVD / CD / Book / Audio Book lending library. As you buy new items, or decide...

15 minutes for the environment

I just took about 15 minutes to call 9 catalog companies and have them remove me from their mailing lists. Upon returning to NY from some time in Seattle i had a stack of catalogs nearly a foot high waiting for me. The 9 calls resulted in me being removed from 12 catalog mailing lists. I have about 4 more calls to make, and I am sure, upon my next return, there will be some other catalogs that had not come in the last month. The most difficult to be removed from (and only obviously outsourced call center) was the Dell Catalog, which took over 8 minutes. Some of the easiest were tool and home furnishing companies who just needed a code from the back of the catalog. I encourage everyone to remove yourselves from catalog lists to help save the environment. Catalog printing wastes paper and water, and may printing processes pollute the environment in other ways too. Furthermore, the constant barrage of catalogs influences us to buy things we do not really...

Thank You Harry Taylor

<p>[l:|Fen blogged] about [l:|]. Dan also had a conversation with the organizer of the site and the [l:|coordinated actions this Saturday] to the "Thank Harry Taylor" for giving us all voice.</p> <p>Here is the back story: Harry Taylor said the following to George W. Bush:<br /> <cite><br /> “In my lifetime, I have never felt more ashamed of my leadership in Washington,” Taylor told the president. “And I would hope from time to time that you have the humility and grace to be ashamed of yourself.”<br /> </cite></p> <p>Greg Felice started the websites above to Thank Harry Taylor. Please, take a minute the thank Harry, and maybe think about organizing an event near you.</p> <p>I have suggested to Greg Felice that he leverage for the event planning and serach and use flickr and youtube to record the events.</p> <p><i>addendum: They already started using and you can see a list of events...

Thing Sender: a Mass Mail Recipe for Drupal

Recently, a client of ours needed mass mailing capability. Nothing fancy, just the ability to send original messages and existing nodes to a large list of email addresses. No token replacement, no click through tracking. Just get the word out. We contracted with Allie Micka to create a suite of modules that would handle not only this discrete needs but other sending needs of this, and other clients. Ingredients: Drupal 4.7 Mime Mail Mailing List Manager Send News Once you have your Drupal 4.7 Site up and running install the additional modules above (follow the instructions for each module). Mime mail lets drupal send out HTML formated messages to users. The messages are MIME encoded and can share the style/theme of your website Mailing List Manager allows you to connect Drupal to a mailing list through a plugable back end. The only currently supported Mailing Lists are EZMLM, but others back ends can be created. This module allows a single point for users to manage mailing list subscriptions. Send adds “Tell-A-Friend” functionality to any node. It also writes the sending activity to CiviCRM if CiviCRM is installed (recording the node that is sent, who it is sent by and who it is sent to). News makes use of all of the above. News allows you to send a node, with a custom preface message to an email list, and leverages Mime Mail, Mailing List Manager and Send. There are a ton of configuration settings because the permissions and preferences for Send and News can be set on a node type level and on a node...